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SAMA,  Architecture + Interior design 

Sama is an international architectural practice based in Paris since 2022.

Founded in 2016 by Emmanuel Sallès, we deliver vibrant, exciting and creative architecture.

We are convinced that good architecture makes life better.


The aesthetics of our architectural design is dictated not by predetermined stylistic conventions, but by factors that influence a given client, a given site and a given program.


This does not mean we no longer make "personnal statement", but we have realized that building today requires a tolerance and an openess that are ill suited to a dogmatic approach.


To each rule there are exceptions.

Our architecture is more than anything else the sum of those exceptions.

Emmanuel Sallès - Director, Architect


1998 - 2006

France - ENSA Paris-La Seine/Val de Seine


2007 - 2008

Paris, France - Ateliers 2/3/4


Tokyo, Japan - Atelier Tekuto


Tokyo, Japan - Sou Foujimoto Architects

2010 - 2014

Paris, France - Leclercq Associés


London, GB - Studio Seilern Architects

2016 - 2022

London, GB - Sama Archi

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Royal Institute of British Architects - 20015697


Ordre des Architectes - 084409


Architectural Institute of Japan - 2041298

Since 2022

Paris, France - Sama Archi / Emmanuel Sallès


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